Thursday, April 26, 2012


Apart from generally being healthier, happier and less self conscious about my body, I've got several other "rewards" for myself if I reach my goals. I know that rewarding yourself when doing chores is probably a bad thing (like, "If I do all of these dishes, sweep the floor and wash the windows, then I can eat cookies and watch Doctor Who") not that I don't do that XD. But I think that having not just a weight or measurement goal, something physical, is a good incentive to run one more block or do five more reps. I've got two or three major "rewards" for myself: *Two pairs of "Rose Tyler" jeans. (I just bought another pair and they're the same size as the others and almost as cool) and *The ability to actually start making this one dress that I've been designing, re-designing and collecting fabric for since I started sewing. The jeans, as I've stated previously, are only a matter of inches in the hip. The dress, however, is a matter of visual size, as I don't want to look thick in it, or anything


  1. cookies, Doctor Who? I'm in.
    rewards are good. I live off rewards XD
    This blog is a good idea! When things are down in words it makes them all the more impossible to avoid :) You're going to have a whole wardrobe like the one in the TARDIS pretty soon.

    1. Yes! We shall have to do that soon!
      I know, no matter how bad everyone says they are, y'just can't help it.
      =.= yeah, except that it's just another blog of me talking about myself. Uhg.
      Oh dear time lords, yes please! And a library, and a pool and---okay, enough.

  2. BAHAH wait...the TARDIS has WHAT! yes, but talking is good! I mean, i pretty much started my blog for selfish reasons, but I've come to realize that that's kind of ok. I mean, if it helps us sort out thoughts and things, boohoo to what everyone else says about it! so...yeah!

    1. THE TARDIS HAS EVERYTHING. Even bunk beds. :D
      Yeah, exactly.

  3. this sounds like one of the games. "We need beds and food. well HERE's some!" *create* woohoo! kids need more imagination these days.

    1. *cries* Yes! Awww!!! I miss that! >.<
      Yeah, they really, really do.
