Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Work Out

I've been doing this work out for 2 weeks, although inconsistently and I'm going to start doing them again. So, I thought I'd give instruction if anyone wanted to do it as well.

Do sun salutations before and after each session to warm up and then cool down the muscles.
Cooling down is very important. It allows the body temperature and heart rate to slowly return to normal. Otherwise you are left with a sick feeling and a slightly raised temperature. Warming up is important for obvious reasons.

I would suggest doing these before you eat (before breakfast, lunch, and dinner) since working out makes you have less of an appetite, you won't eat too quickly and make yourself sick. More importantly, you have to get some carbs back into your system after working out or else you'll feel sluggish.
The following work out I found on Pinterest, it didn't have a name or URL on the picture so I couldn't credit anyone, but it's great!

50 Crunches (I did 25 to start out)
30 Squats
10 Pushups
30 Leg lifts
30 Seconds on an imaginary chair

At Midday:
30 Leg lifts
5 minutes rope skipping (I didn't do this, since the jumping jacks would be taking all of my energy)
30 Seconds on and imaginary chair
100 Jumping jacks (I'd suggest 50 to start out with. Even though they're easy to do WHILE you're doing them, they really take a lot out of one's legs)

100 jumping jacks
50 Crunches
30 Seconds on an imaginary chair
30 Squats
50 Leg lifts.

In addition to that I'm going to add in a side muscle exercise from Seventeen
Basically what you do is stand with your legs shoulder width apart, holding a 5 pound weight in your left hand. Raise your right arm straight up with the palm facing in, while keeping your left arm at your side.
Bend left at the waist while reaching your right arm up and over your head, then return to start. It suggests doing 3 sets of 15 reps on each side, but that almost killed me, so I'm gonna work up to that.


  1. Ooooh! i bow down before you. 50 crunches?! holy-
    it's me, btw XD
    This is very nice! jumping jacks sound good. Apparently you're supposed to make your heart(s) beat fast once a day (running, jumping, climbing, etc)

    1. It's easier when you can jam your toes under something or have someone hold them down.
      Hello, you, btw! :D
      Yeah! I was surprised how easy they are! Although I think I damaged my back by doing the full 100.
      Eheh, yeaaahh. *glances around guiltily* I think people recommend 30 to 60 minutes of cardio. O.O Climbing is good. :)
      Hehehe! Heart(s)! Yay!

  2. Just have your dog sit on your legs or something :D
    ohh no! Don't do THAT.

    1. The dogs just stare at me when I do those, I believe they think I'm a turtle trying to sit up or something...
      XD "Did I throw up?"
