Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Finally started

Well, now that it's around mid month and I was supposed to be working out for 15 days (and haven't), I finally started today. Even though it's Tuesday and (since I'm neurotic about patterns and schedules) I'm actually supposed to do the strength training on Mon, Weds and Fri and the running/cardio on Tues, Thurs and Sat...it's just...whatever. I already feel great. XD
Anyway, I've added V sits to that other workout, I'd suggest doing them before the leg lifts or crunches since they get kind of...easy? to do after the muscles have already been worked. I don't know, they worked before the leg lifts but not at all after.

On another note: I'm kinda sorta starting to hate this blog because it feels like I'm being narcissistic. But I'm not! I swear! This is just a way for me to keep track of any progress, as well as goals and trying to post tips that might help or interesting things... I'm not being vain! I swear! =.=
Anyway, I was thinking of posting some workout playlist recommendations...hm.


  1. ALLO! No! not narcissistic! it's good, it makes sense to write up this stuff! wow. you're really going full out with this thing! HUZZAH!

    1. *snort* well, I'm glad to hear you say that. Huzzah! (I can't help but want to follow that with a "God save the Queen!" =.=;;)
