Friday, June 29, 2012

Awesome website!

Through some random Parkour blog, I found Nerd Fitness and must say that it is my new absolute favorite fitness motivation site! Especially this post. Unfortunately, it also kind of makes you just want to sit next to your A/C and read the entire blog instead of actually going outside and training. But oh well.
So yeah, it's rad as hell, go look at it!

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Music: Running

I still haven't quite gotten the hang of running, but here are some songs that I would imagine to be good to listen to.
  • Eye of the Tiger - Survivor. This would probably be good for any kind of training. Makes you feel like you're in an 80s movie. XD (it's also good for a laugh if you're a Supernatual fan)
  • Love Will Find You - Journey. More 80s music! very good for running. 
  • The Final Countdown - Europe. Can you tell that I like feeling like I'm in an 80s movie? 
  • Be a Man - Mulan Soundtrack. Everyone says that this is great for getting through the last few minutes of running when you feel like you can't go any further. 
  • Kill Everybody - Skrillex. Yes, sudden change in genre. For some reason I really want to run to this, although I don't like the words to it. It's just got a great beat.
As usual, I'll add more later.

Music: Kickboxing

I was doing a kickboxing workout today and realized that there a few songs that fit really well to the rhythm of the punches.
  • Too Close - Alex Clare. The video itself is motivation. Sort of dubstep-y.
  • Stamp On the Ground - Italobrothers. Very jumpy, also techno-y.
I'll add more when I think of them. But for me personally, any kind of techno or fast paced dubstep works really well.

Post Workout drink

Here's an idea for an after workout drink that I can't believe I hadn't thought of before!

You will need:
  • A whole, half or quarter watermelon.
  • Pre-cooled water or soda water
  • A freezer bag
1. Cut the watermelon up into small squares (about the size of an ice cube), put them into the bag and freeze them. (do this the night before)
2. After your workout and cool down, pour a full glass of pre-cooled water, or a half glass of soda water.
3. Separate the watermelon cubes from each other (they'll most likely have frozen together) and put into the water. If you're drinking soda water, add them carefully as it tends to fizz up dramatically.

And, there you go! They add a nice sweet taste to bland tap water and you can eat them after!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

A reason to train

Here is a video example of why I want to get fit. I want to be strong enough to do this:

"Sneaky" training

Even if you're really busy or not training on a certain day, there are still some ways to strengthen your muscles and keep healthy (some of them also give you a little boost). Here are some things that I do (whenever I remember them! XD) some of them are from other sources and some I discovered myself:
  • When walking (or running) up a flight of stairs there are two ways people usually place their feet: One is like a Barbie foot, using only the ball of the foot to land on the step - this would work the thigh muscles. The other is flat with the arch of the foot also landing on the step - this way would strengthen the calf muscles more than anything else. (I haven't done any research on this, it's just my finding. Maybe it's different with different people.)
  • Whenever you take milk out of the fridge (especially if it's a full jug), raise and lower it - only moving your forearm - 5 - 15 time then repeat with the other arm.  Just don't drop it! 
  • When sitting somewhere for a long time (at a play, sports game or what have you) make sure to sit properly (feet flat on the floor, back straight, chin level) and then contract your ab muscles tight, count to five and relax. Do this no more than 5 times, waiting a minute or two between each time. 
So far that's all I can remember, but here is a good list of more ways to sneak training into your daily routine.  (Some of them are for people who go to school, but still.)

Finally started

Well, now that it's around mid month and I was supposed to be working out for 15 days (and haven't), I finally started today. Even though it's Tuesday and (since I'm neurotic about patterns and schedules) I'm actually supposed to do the strength training on Mon, Weds and Fri and the running/cardio on Tues, Thurs and's just...whatever. I already feel great. XD
Anyway, I've added V sits to that other workout, I'd suggest doing them before the leg lifts or crunches since they get kind of...easy? to do after the muscles have already been worked. I don't know, they worked before the leg lifts but not at all after.

On another note: I'm kinda sorta starting to hate this blog because it feels like I'm being narcissistic. But I'm not! I swear! This is just a way for me to keep track of any progress, as well as goals and trying to post tips that might help or interesting things... I'm not being vain! I swear! =.=
Anyway, I was thinking of posting some workout playlist

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Work Out

I've been doing this work out for 2 weeks, although inconsistently and I'm going to start doing them again. So, I thought I'd give instruction if anyone wanted to do it as well.

Do sun salutations before and after each session to warm up and then cool down the muscles.
Cooling down is very important. It allows the body temperature and heart rate to slowly return to normal. Otherwise you are left with a sick feeling and a slightly raised temperature. Warming up is important for obvious reasons.

I would suggest doing these before you eat (before breakfast, lunch, and dinner) since working out makes you have less of an appetite, you won't eat too quickly and make yourself sick. More importantly, you have to get some carbs back into your system after working out or else you'll feel sluggish.
The following work out I found on Pinterest, it didn't have a name or URL on the picture so I couldn't credit anyone, but it's great!

50 Crunches (I did 25 to start out)
30 Squats
10 Pushups
30 Leg lifts
30 Seconds on an imaginary chair

At Midday:
30 Leg lifts
5 minutes rope skipping (I didn't do this, since the jumping jacks would be taking all of my energy)
30 Seconds on and imaginary chair
100 Jumping jacks (I'd suggest 50 to start out with. Even though they're easy to do WHILE you're doing them, they really take a lot out of one's legs)

100 jumping jacks
50 Crunches
30 Seconds on an imaginary chair
30 Squats
50 Leg lifts.

In addition to that I'm going to add in a side muscle exercise from Seventeen
Basically what you do is stand with your legs shoulder width apart, holding a 5 pound weight in your left hand. Raise your right arm straight up with the palm facing in, while keeping your left arm at your side.
Bend left at the waist while reaching your right arm up and over your head, then return to start. It suggests doing 3 sets of 15 reps on each side, but that almost killed me, so I'm gonna work up to that.

Thursday, April 26, 2012


Apart from generally being healthier, happier and less self conscious about my body, I've got several other "rewards" for myself if I reach my goals. I know that rewarding yourself when doing chores is probably a bad thing (like, "If I do all of these dishes, sweep the floor and wash the windows, then I can eat cookies and watch Doctor Who") not that I don't do that XD. But I think that having not just a weight or measurement goal, something physical, is a good incentive to run one more block or do five more reps. I've got two or three major "rewards" for myself: *Two pairs of "Rose Tyler" jeans. (I just bought another pair and they're the same size as the others and almost as cool) and *The ability to actually start making this one dress that I've been designing, re-designing and collecting fabric for since I started sewing. The jeans, as I've stated previously, are only a matter of inches in the hip. The dress, however, is a matter of visual size, as I don't want to look thick in it, or anything

Goals for training

My goals and reasons for exercise:
*Not get winded by running from orcs or when playing football
*Fit into those awesome "Rose Tyler" jeans and "NYC" shirt
*Look good in a corset
*Fit into and look good in the "Fye" dress
*General self confidence
*Reach a goal
*There's an awful lot of running in the Doctor's lifestyle. I can't be the one to slow him down. XD
*The Hunger Games
*The apocalypse
*LARPing or sword fighting
*Not getting winded during self defense classes
*General health and feeling better!
Short term body goals:
 *Get down to sewing size 16 (Bust: 38, Waist: 30, Hip: 40) Meaning that I'd have to lose 2" on all.

*Get down to 140, meaning that I'd have to lose 10-15 pounds.

*Get down to pants size 11-10, one/two sizes down. ("Rose Tyler" jeans)

 Long term body goals:
*Get down to sewing size 14 (Bust: 36, Waist: 28, Hip: 38) Meaning that I'd need to lose 5" on bust, waist and hip.

*Get down to 120. Meaning that I'd need to lose 30-35 pounds.

*Get down to pants size 9. Three sizes down. ("Clubbing" jeans)